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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Program Evaluation; Plan for Needs Assessment ABC University
Questions: Assume that the ABC University is thinking about actualizing another Freshman direction program to improve consistency standards and that you are called upon to lead a requirements evaluation for such a program. In close to 5 pages, sketch an arrangement for how you would lead such a requirements appraisal. Address the accompanying focuses: What might be your working meaning of need? (Record for the way that ABC University may as of now have a few projects set up to situate first year recruit and improve maintenance, yet you don't have to research the particulars of those projects.) What wellsprings of data would you use for the appraisal of need? What sorts of instruments would you use to accumulate information from those sources (for example overviews, center gatherings, and so on.). What steps would you take to guarantee legitimacy and dependability of your proportions of need? Make certain to talk about legitimacy and unwavering quality independently and characterize the two idea s. Talk about how the consequences of your proposed examination could be utilized to improve dynamic: what sorts of proposals could spill out of this investigation? Answers: Stage I Sort out: The advanced education organizations like the schools and the colleges are alarmingly centering their goal to convey quality training and similarly significant is the attention on the ways and techniques to expand the standards for dependability of their understudies. Countless organizations are taking activities to improve the standards for dependability through sorting out projects and administrations. The colleges are drawing in to improve the degrees of consistency by orchestrating and starting direction projects or understudy bolster administrations. ABC University is making arrangements for another undergrad introduction program so as to improve the standards for dependability of the foundation. A precise methodology that propels through a variety of stages is the Needs Assessment. The primary focal point of the Needs Assessment is on the net result that should be accomplished instead of the procedure where the results are to be accomplished. The necessities assessors confirm that they will examine the understudies who are cease their examinations. (Assets, 2015) Development Of A Needs Assessment Committee A Needs Assessment Committee containing 10 individuals who incorporates the Dean of the University, the employees and the regulatory staffs of the college is established. They have a record of commitment towards the government assistance of the college and want to improve the degree of consistency of the college. The board of trustees has been endorsed by the hierarchical organization and is mindful to answer to them all the time. Learning The Needs Assessment Committee and its individuals ask the Orientation Program Leaders in the event that they know about the rate at which the new understudies would take a crack at the college and the quantity of understudies who are nearly leaving the college. The requirements evaluation board of trustees likewise look for information from the US Census Bureau on the paces of the understudies really graduating and the paces of understudies who really select and leave the college. Some helpful information and data are accumulated where projects and activities have been taken to improve the pace of maintenance of the college. Incorporate information and proceed onward with targets: The Needs Assessment needs to concentrate on a specific objective gathering. The most widely recognized objective gatherings in the field of training are the understudies, guardians, teachers, executives and the network all in all. ABC University incorporates the worries of the college in regards to the college steady loss rate and ways and techniques to improve the standards for dependability. The data that is required for this situation is that the explanation for such wearing down with the goal that the focal point of the system of the maintenance must be on these issues. The Needs Assessment Committee and its individuals recognized five classes of issues that influence the whittling down paces of the understudies: (COMPREHENSIVE NEEDS ASSESSMENT, 2015) Individual the individual purposes behind whittling down of the understudies incorporate absence of security, ridiculous assumption about the college, certain misfortune and stress and the jumble that can emerge between the foundation and the understudy. Social-this incorporate social disengagement inside the college, uninvolved in the exercises of the colleges and even next to zero collaboration with the personnel or the warning individuals. Scholarly incorporates low scholastic execution, frail in considers, no inclusion in assignments and courses, and absence of legitimate objectives for vocation. Life issues-this incorporate money related frailty, time issue identified with college and employment, troubles emerging from family, and issues identified with wellbeing. Institutional issues-in this classification negative air in study halls, and authoritative workplaces, experience poor standard of educating, absence of legitimate scholarly projects and pervasiveness of operational issues. Accordingly, center gatherings can be framed from these arrangement of understudies. Stage II Information assortment: The Needs Assessment Committee allocated four fundamental instruments or strategies for gathering information from the sources: (Boden, 2011) Subjective Data Collection The Needs Assessment Committee organizes the center gatherings of understudies and assembles more data in regards to the purpose for their maintenance. Five center gatherings have been recognized and the projects are led. The center gathering is started and leaded by an individual from the board of trustees who is accepted to be impartial and has the experience of directing center gathering previously. The information assortment should be possible in two different ways. They are: (McCawly, 2015) A portion of the guided inquiries that can be posed to the center gathering are: Would you like to keep on concentrating in this college? Why dont you need to proceed in this college? What issues would you say you are looking in this college? What changes would you like to find in the college? Propose an approach to manage your concern. By what means can the instructive, authoritative and different parts of the college be improved? The reaction of the center gathering is recorded in a sound recorder and one of the part takes notes while the overview and meeting. The discoveries from the center gathering are joined with the discoveries from the study and meetings so the panel gets a total information about the issue of understudies leaving the college, what kind of issues each understudy faces, what arrangements can be actualized and methodologies taken to take care of their issues and so on. Quantitative information assortment: To distinguish the understudies who will in general leave the college, another review (by SurveyMonkey) must be done as to gather numerical information with respect to the quantity of understudies graduating, number of understudies present at the undergrad introduction program, number of understudies really took a crack at the college and number of understudies leaving the college. Stage III Steps and arrangements: The dependability of the necessities evaluation is the estimation of the systems whether they are predictable and precise (, 2015) By legitimacy we imply that the degree to which the measure taken is really working the manner in which it was structured. (, 2015) The college ought to give scholarly prompting administrations, extending mentoring and training administrations, human services programs, build up a gathering of green bean which will permit the understudies of comparable interests to associate and utilize the computerized, web based life like Twitter and Facebook to contact with each understudy and permit them share their issues for arrangements. The college can likewise put a keep an eye on the scholastic execution of the frail understudies. (Improving Student Retention and Graduation Rates, 2011) Proposals: The outcomes acquired from the examination are that understudies can engage with the college action increasingly through the web based life and will have the option to look for help with the guides, understudies can upgrade their presentation by the all-encompassing coach benefits and will no longer will be powerless in scholastics, understudies will stay fit inside the grounds of the college through the medicinal services projects and all these will assist with improving the maintenance rates.The suggestions that can be made is to create advising meetings for understudies having issues in their families or religions, additionally start motivations for understudies who are monetarily insecure and give them grants and plan trainings for the staff and overseers to deal with the college with uplifting mentalities. (Wojciechowski, 2015) References Assets, U. (2015).Needs Assessment. [online] Accessible at:[Accessed 17 Mar. 2015]., (2015).Reliability and legitimacy/Concept/Concepts/Using proof for learning/Home - Assessment. [online] Available at: for-learning/Concepts/Concept/Reliability-and-legitimacy [Accessed 13 Mar. 2015]. Boden, G. (2011). Maintenance and Graduation Rates: Insights from an Extended Longitudinal View.Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice, 13(2), pp.179-203. Thorough Needs Assessment. (2015). first ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 13 Mar. 2015]. Improving Student Retention and Graduation Rates. (2011). first ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 13 Mar. 2015]. McCawly, P. (2015).Methods For Consucting Needs Assessment. first ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 13 Mar. 2015]., (2015).Reliability and Validity. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Mar. 2015]. Wojciechowski, A. (2015).Case Study-Conducting a Needs Assessment. first ed. [ebook] Available at:
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Prohibition The Noble Experiment Essay Example For Students
Restriction The Noble Experiment Essay In 1920 congress started what was known as The Noble Experiment. This investigation started with the marking of the eighteenth amendment of the constitution into law. It was titled by society as Prohibition. Websters word reference characterizes denial as: A disallowing, the restricting by law of the production or offer of alcoholic mixers. Disallowance can reach out to mean the premonition of any number of substances. I characterize it as a social bad form to mankind as we probably am aware it. Denial was intended to free the nation of organizations that produced, sold, and additionally circulated mixed refreshments. The eighteenth amendment made it an infringement of the constitution to do and of the before referenced. This was a wrongdoing culpable up to the Supreme Court. The first thought was that Americans overall were unfortunate, there was a lot of wrongdoing and defilement, and that individuals were being troubled by abundance burdens that poorhouses and detainment facilities were making. What was the deal? The modest liquor being illicitly delivered slaughtered more Americans, wrongdoing and defilement went up, charges were raised to finance the law authorization expected to implement preclusion, and the penitentiaries became stuffed. We will compose a custom article on Prohibition The Noble Experiment explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Some would have you accept that wrongdoing diminished during restriction. All things considered, it did. Wrongdoing diminished, all in all, by 37.7% during forbiddance. Anyway fierce wrongdoing and different genuine violations were up. Burglary of property was up 13.2%, manslaughter was up m16.1%, and theft was up 83.3%. Minor wrongdoings had diminished however by half. Wrongdoings, for example, malevolent evil, open swearing, vagrancy, and so forth. (Dr. Fairburn pg 75-80)The preclusion development had a considerable amount of supporters in any case. The most dynamic in the development was the Womens Christian Temperance Union. They buckled down in battling towards this revision and accumulated, what is presently accepted today, as to be one-sided insights. For instance one region that the WCTU assaulted was the cantinas and specifically the offer of refined spirits, liquor. The WCTU guaranteed drinking during denial was down 30% rather than pre-disallowance. Anyway as a rate to add up to liquor deals the utilization of refined spirits was up from half (pre-preclusion) to an amazing 89% during restriction. Most gauges place the power of disallowance time items at 150+ percent of the intensity of items created either previously or after preclusion (qtd. In Henry Lee 202)Prohibition didn't prevail by any means. With the goal for restriction to accomplish what it was set to do it needed to meet four explicit rules. It needs to have a noteworthy decline in the utilization of liquor. This didn't happen. Furthermore after the underlying drop, it expected to keep up that low. What happened was that after the underlying drop liquor utilization rose consistently. Next, the assets gave to the authorization of denial expanded alongside the utilization. Initially it was to cost 4.4 million per year to implement, it expanded to 13.4 million a year troubling the citizen it was attempting to offer a reprieve to. Finally, the little abatement that occurred didn't make denial a triumph. The bill was intended to take out drinking. (Imprint Thornton 11)The wellbeing that this Amendment planned to accomplish was really hurt by forbiddance. The moonshine being made by beginners could have murdered under numerous conditions. In liquor related ailments passings from cirrhosis of the liver, pre-disallowance were 1.5%. During forbiddance these passings expanded to 4% of the complete passings. The Iron Law of Prohibition states thatThe increasingly serious the law requirement, the more powerful the denied substance becomes-Richard LowanTaxes were up, wellbeing was down, wrongdoing and debasement was up, social dependability was down. This bill, this law, which was really placed into the constitution could remain there no more. It must be expelled, revoked, and discarded. Preclusion had fizzled. The eighteenth amendment to the constitution was no more. .ua4247ba69503006512f2ba5d080222ba , .ua4247ba69503006512f2ba5d080222ba .postImageUrl , .ua4247ba69503006512f2ba5d080222ba .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .ua4247ba69503006512f2ba5d080222ba , .ua4247ba69503006512f2ba5d080222ba:hover , .ua4247ba69503006512f2ba5d080222ba:visited , .ua4247ba69503006512f2ba5d080222ba:active { border:0!important; } .ua4247ba69503006512f2ba5d080222ba .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ua4247ba69503006512f2ba5d080222ba { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ua4247ba69503006512f2ba5d080222ba:active , .ua4247ba69503006512f2ba5d080222ba:hover { haziness: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ua4247ba69503006512f2ba5d080222ba .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relat ive; } .ua4247ba69503006512f2ba5d080222ba .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content design: underline; } .ua4247ba69503006512f2ba5d080222ba .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ua4247ba69503006512f2ba5d080222ba .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content adornment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua4247ba69503006512f2ba5d080222ba:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ua4247ba69 503006512f2ba5d080222ba .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ua4247ba69503006512f2ba5d080222ba-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ua4247ba69503006512f2ba5d080222ba:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Alcohol maltreatment among the older EssayOnce canceled society and life by and large in the United States progressed once more into a working nation. The crowd moved its center else where and turned out to be less famous. The moonshiners and shakespies were proceeded to perfect, healthy mix streamed indeed. America was not steady during denial, and with its excusal all turned out to be well once more. I will leave you with some end words to consider and to understand that we are completely considered ethically dependable to guarantee that America remains a free and autonomous nation and that in no way like this, in any str ucture is ever permitted to happen again. Tricks are across the country in degree, in incredible numbers, composed, very much supported, and cunningly led. (qtd. By Assistant Secretary of Treasury Lincoln C. Andrews pg 18) For the most part denial added to the issues that it was intended to stop. It was a social unfairness that tormented our nation, welcomed on by the pioneers that are selected to serve this country. Utilized and manhandled by the Mafia as a wellspring of monetary benefit. Some state it was a misstep, I state it was a trick that goes up into the higher positions of the country. Works CitedMark Thornton. Liquor Prohibition Was a Failure 49 Policy Analysis No.157 July 17, 1999 Available: http://www.cato.orgErich S. Restriction Nationally and Locally Available: State University. Why Prohibition 8 Available: State University. The Brewing Industry at Prohibition 7 Availiable:
Friday, August 7, 2020
I Am Prepared!
I Am Prepared! So here I am (still) in sunny southern California where people are mourning the loss of the crystal football ie The Rose Bowl. While I cant say Im the biggest fan of football, this was a great game, and the weather was a lot nicer for the football game than it was for the parade. I hope you had an umbrella, Mollie. (Yes, I decided to watch in on TV.) So I leave California on Saturday morning to enjoy the wonders of IAP. Title Link: I Am Prepared, get it? IAP (its okay if you dont want to laugh) My primary mission is to start working on my new project in lab (to be blogged about later), but among other things, Ill be enjoying some fun activities. Some examples: Extracurricular Research: Resources for Gossip, Entertainment News, and Consumer Information Peter Cohn, Stephanie Hartman Thu Jan 12, 12-1:00pm, 14N-132 Enrollment limited: first come, first served. Limited to 20 participants. MIT has lots of resources for academic research but what about the crucial information we need in everyday life? Why is Demi Moore mad at Madonna? What did Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie order for lunch at an Edmonton eatery? Is a GE air conditioner better than a Panasonic? Are higher thread count sheets REALLY better? Come learn about databases to find answers to these questions, get access to music and entertainment magazines, radio and tv transcripts and more. Mitra, this might help you confirm that Jon Stewart is hosting the Oscars. Annual MIT Mystery Hunt Reid Barton, Catherine Miller Fri Jan 13, Sat Jan 14, Sun Jan 15, 12:15pm-??:00am No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below) Signup by: 15-Dec-2005 Single session event Join us for the 2006 Mystery Hunt, the annual MIT puzzle and sleep-deprivation competition. Get together with friends to solve puzzles that will lead you to a coin hidden somewhere on campus. The hunt starts Friday at noon and ends when the coin is found, some days later. Please sign up at the website. Lone hunters looking for a team can sign up as unattached hunters. New hunters always welcome. Web: Contact: Catherine Miller, [emailprotected] Sponsor: Mystery Hunt This is one of my favorite MIT events, hands down. And STAY TUNED to see how you can join our team Too Much Clue in some of the fun that weekend. If youre interested in joining our team remotely, you can email me at [emailprotected]. Ill try to keep everyone up to date with some of the IAP fun, and definitely email me if youre interested in joining our team.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Matrix Film Analysis - 747 Words
The Matrix is a 1999 science fiction action film written and directed by the Wachowskis, starring Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Joe Pantoliano, and Hugo Weaving. This film constructs a dystopian fiction because the computer fabricates what you hear, smell, see, taste and even touch. The computers feel that by controlling every minute detail of what humans are allowed to experience they are bettering the human’s lives while also preserving their own. The music wich is mostly non-lyrical creates the feelings of suspense. The dull dark lightingcreates the look of a un healthy un liveable life style. The computers control all sources of information, independent thought, freedom, or true individuality. How do the camera†¦show more content†¦One of the first scenes in which the audience sees that the world is not quite real is when Agent Smith causes Neo’s mouth to grow together. Sonically, the music grows from near silence to a rapid escalation, creating an immediate sense of wrongness and tension because the scene is so unexpected. The lighting thoghout the whole movie is very dim and foggy, this creates and dystopian atmosphere as it is scene as unfriendly and an un welcoming place to be. How does the mis-en-scene help to develop character? How does it help to reflect their status during the time of the scene? mise-en-scene is used when Neo, first enters the matrix. For setting, the scene takes place in a completely white room which is known as ‘the construct’, where depth perception is not relevant, it simply never ends. This is intended to represent a different world other than reality. No room on Earth could be like this. This message is successfully delivered. Character and actor expressions and body language also come into play as you can see the confusion and disbelief in his facial expressions and the questioning looks on his face. Neos character developed throughout the movie because at the end of the movie he fully enhanced all his power and believes in the Matrix. PARAGRAPH 4 How do camera techniques, sound, lighting and mis-en-scene change to reflect theShow MoreRelatedThe Matrix Film Analysis Film935 Words  | 4 PagesThe Matrix - Film Analysis The Matrix is a 1999 science fiction and action film written and directed by the Wachowskis. This film establishes as a dystopian fiction because the humans are in a computer generated world were the electronics control them. The dark lighting of the film makes it look like an unfriendly and unhealthy lifestyle. The music sets different scenes in complicated ways. People are controlled through machines from a life that is acting as a computer generated human. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Issue Of Abortion Laws - 1677 Words
Denise Magana ENG 102 Professor Brussin 2 October 2014 Abortion Laws are Unconstitutional The issue of abortion has always been rising throughout the years. Is it power to the fetus or to the women? The famous Roe v. Wade trial, which was supposed to settle the idea and was a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court that was supposed to decide the issue of abortion. It was ruled in 1973, that the right to privacy under the due process clause of the 14th Amendment, extended to a woman’s decision to have an abortion, but that the right to privacy must be balanced between the woman’s and the state’s interests in regulating abortions: which is to protect prenatal life and protecting the woman’s health. Roe v. Wade reshaped the nation’s politics and divided the country into pro-choice and pro-life sides, while at the same time, it also created hostile states toward abortion clinics and creates the challenge of getting an abortion more difficult. Everyone has an opinion on abortion, whether or not they want to voice it. Some people think it’s immoral to kill a fetus, something that could potentially gestate into a living, human being. Some people think that it is entirely up to the woman. And others think that it’s none of their business. Ever since Roe v. Wade, many states have been trying to create a more difficult aversions to abortions in many ways. Some states tried to make it harder by payment, such as restricting certain insurance payments. Other statesShow MoreRelatedAbortion : A Controversial Issue882 Words  | 4 Pagesconsider abortion as a rightful act, and abortion is a name of destroying human life. Now a days our society faces several types of issues Abortion is one of the complicated issue for both ways health and society that’s why abortion become a very controversial issue that’s become debatable in politics. In addition, these researches will describe the different issues of abortion, such as, legal laws on abortion, restric tion of abortions, rate of abortion and consequences of the abortion. Abortion isRead MoreAbortion : A Controversial Issue868 Words  | 4 Pagesconsider abortion as a rightful act, and abortion is a name of destroy human life. Now a days our society faces several types of issues Abortion is one of the complicated issue for both ways health and society that’s why abortion become a very controversial issue that become debatable in politics. In addition, this essay will describe the different issues of abortion such as, legal laws of abortion, restriction of abortions, rate of abortion and consequences of the abortion. Abortion is very seriousRead MoreAbortion: The Impact of Federalism and the Separation of Power1227 Words  | 5 PagesOtto von Bismarck once said, â€Å"Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made.†The arduous process that a bill undergoes in order to become a law may seem grueling and pointless; however, the processes high caliber of difficulty allows for the extreme prestige and exclusivity of bills that are passed. Because the process is so exhausting, and filibusters, subsequently requiring a super-majority vote to pass a bill, have always been such a threat in Congress, historically, billsRead MoreAbortion : A Woman s Choice1572 Words  | 7 PagesCelina Valvano Mr. Cukierski CPW 4U 12 November 2014 Abortion: A Woman’s Choice Abortion is an ongoing issue that many woman face today in society. Statistics show that one out of ten women aged from fifteen to nineteen gets pregnant each year and five out of six of these pregnancies are unintended (Lunneborg 1992). There is a constant struggle between whether to keep the child or to abort it. Some people believe that abortion is their only choice or their only way out of a difficult and challengingRead MoreEssay on Should Abortion Be Determined by the State or the Mother?1414 Words  | 6 PagesHomework #2: History and overview of the Policy Issue Should Abortion be determined by the State or Mother? Abortion has been one of the most controversial topics in America. Abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed in the first 20 weeks of the pregnancy. Abortion is when the pregnancy is ended to prevent child birth. The pregnancy is taken out of the uterus of the women by medical abortion which involves taking medicines to causeRead MoreShould Abortions Be Induced Abortions?1069 Words  | 5 PagesAlthough abortions have been in existence for many years, each culture has its own distinctive views and interpretations regarding abortions. Since the beginning of time, numerous women all around the world have terminated their pregnancy by having a planned induced abortion. Sometimes the execution of abortion procedures is based on ethical decisions, religious views, and at other times, the decisions are solely based on the individual mothers-to-be culture. The United States, however, has numerousRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal?867 Words  | 4 PagesABORTION Abortion is a deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. There are series of legal, moral and ethical issues which may arise about abortion. Most arguments about abortion are often focused on political insinuations and the legal aspect of such actions. Some frequently asked questions’ regarding the issue is if the practice should be outlawed and regarded as murder or should women have the right to practice it. For example, prior toRead MoreAbortion : The Legal Precedent1170 Words  | 5 PagesThere have been many debates over abortion. One of the more famous acts in history about abortion is Roe vs. Wade on January 22, 1973. In this case the U.S. Supreme Court recognized that the constitutional right to privacy extends to a woman’s right to make her own personal medical decisions. This includes the decision to have an abortion without interference from politics and regulations, or religion. Therefore, a state ma y not ban abortion prior to viability. About 42 years have passed and numerousRead MoreAbortion Is Not A Black And White Issue1524 Words  | 7 PagesOf all the legal, ethical, and moral issues Americans continue to either fight for or against the women’s right to have an abortion. The issues surrounding abortion is in the forefront of many political races and seem to be the issue that many Americans are passionate about. It is important to realize that abortion is not a black and white issue. Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo before it can survive outside of the uterus. Once a women finds out that she is pregnantRead MoreThe Texas Anti-Abortion Law is Unconstitutional Essay1189 Words  | 5 Pages The Texas anti-abortion law has taken the country’s attention by storm. It is an issue on many different woman’s minds, especially those who live in the state of Texas. The new laws are forcing many woman to have to cross state lines in order to receive an abortion and medical care. This includes woman who needs abortions due to preexisting medical conditions and those who are carrying fetuses which are diseased and are expected not to be born as healthy babies. The Texas Governor Rick Perry and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Five Types of Organization Structures Free Essays
Every organization, to be effective, must have a structure. An organization structure is the setup that determines the hierarchy and reporting structure in an organization. It is often represented by a drawing known as an organizational chart. We will write a custom essay sample on Five Types of Organization Structures or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are different types of organizational structures that companies follow, depending on a variety of factors like leadership style, type of organization, geographical regions, work flow and hierarchy. Organizations may choose from a number of common operating structures. One popular structure is the functional organization, where the company is divided into separate units based on role, such as accounting, marketing, research and development or distribution. The functional structure offers a number of potential advantages as well as disadvantages. An advantage of a functional organizational structure is that it offers a high level of specialization. Each unit operates as a type of self-contained mini-company, charged with carrying out its specific role. A worker who is an expert in his functional area can perform tasks with a high level of speed and efficiency, which enhances productivity. While specialized units within the functional structure often perform with a high level of efficiency, they may have difficulty working well with other units. Another potential disadvantage of the functional organization structure is that it can pose a challenge for top management to maintain control as the organization expands. If the company expands into new geographic areas, maintaining control of and managing the separate functions can be even more of a challenge. Kenexa, an IBM Company, provides employment and retention solutions to assist organizations in hiring and keeping workers. Kenexa is a SAAS, software as a service company, and utilizes a functional structure. Market structure is used to group employees on the basis of the specific market the company sells in. A company could have five different markets they use and according to this structure, each would be a separate division. Some merits of this structure are that employees can communicate with customers in the local language and they are available for the customers, if need is felt. Demerits include intense competition among the employees; decision-making can cause conflicts and difficulty to determining the productivity and efficiency of employees. Product-based structures allow companies to remain flexible in the business environment. This allows the company to add or remove structure sections as necessary. However, it can prohibit companies from achieving company-wide goals since each unit operates on its own. A successful company that uses a Market organizational structure as well as a Product-based structure is Microsoft. Farber, 2013) One advantage of a Matrix structure is better coordination and control: – this structure is very much suitable to coordinate and control the functional activities and project activities. Most importantly, employees from various functional areas work under the spirit of team and make the project successful. Team effort is made. On the other hand, Matrix organizational structure involves huge overhead cost, has problems of overspecialization and is difficult to balance. GE is an example of a company that uses the matrix structure approach. In a geographic structure, large organizations have offices at different places, for example, there could be a north zone, south zone, west zone and east zone. Advantages are better communication among the employees at the same location and locals are familiar with the local business environment and can cater to geographical and cultural differences. A successful company with this structure is Ports America, headquartered in the NE with operations throughout both coasts and segmented regionally. References: Farber, D. (2013, July 12). Steve Ballmer remakes Microsoft one more time. Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from Hill, C. (n.d.). Strategic management theory. How to cite Five Types of Organization Structures, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Initial Research Proposal Marriage Partner
Question: Discuss about theInitial Research Proposalfor Marriage Partner. Answer: Business Research Topic The main aim of the research is to investigate the couples way of choosing their marriage partner. The research also highlights how the eastern culture is different from that western culture. The relative success of each system depends on the divorce rates. Higher the divorce rates in a particular religion or country then unhappier are the couples from their choice of marriage. The research highlights the researchers mode of collection of data and analyzes the data. The main risk factor in divorce is marrying as a teenager when the couples lack maturity to choose their marriage partner. Many factors affect the couples choice of marriage and choosing marriage partners. It is essential for the couples to be mature and be confident in order to choose a right life partner (Chiappori et al. 2015). Research Questions for the Identified Problem or Opportunity The research questions are based on an extensive research conducted by the researcher. Enormous number of research has been conducted on couples to investigate how they have chosen their marriage partners. The basic objective highlights the differences in the western and eastern culture and the reasons for the divorces and the way it affects the relative success of each system (O'Leary 2013). The following research questions are outlined in a descriptive approach to find the factors that affects the choice of couples in choosing their life partners and how eastern culture differs from the western culture. How do the couples choose their marriage partners? How do western countries differ from eastern countries? What does divorce rates illustrates about the relative success of each system? Research Methodologies and Techniques The researcher chooses mixed methodology approach to investigate the topic. Both the qualitative and quantitative technique is used for the investigation on the marriage. Various methods are taken to collect the appropriate information. The research approach is based on the idea to identify the questions, problems and give probable solutions for adequate research to the study. The quantitative research is conducted by preparing a questionnaire for the couples. The questionnaire is prepared for ten couples from the eastern countries while ten from western countries. The questionnaire is based on demography, age, years of marriage, factors affecting their choice of marriage and their satisfaction level. The questionnaire contains both the open and close ended questions. The author based on the questionnaire prepared interviews the couples. Qualitative approach is used to support the quantitative approach (Pickard 2012). Qualitative approach is used to understand the differences between eastern and western countries. This research is based on certain principles with conclusions devised from the data collected. The data collected is tested in an SPSS tool for the analysis and the result part. The quantitative approach is assumed to be more time consuming and cost effective against the researcher's particular situations than an approach that is qualitative in nature. The sample observation is twenty couples from both eastern and western countries. In this study, statistical tool namely SPSS is used with the questionnaire to derive to a certain conclusion (Taylor et al. 2015). Research Process The method that research will be undertaken will highlight the research outline. The overall model of qualitative approach performs the same general structure. The research process can be explained by using five basic criteria's. The first part of the research analyzes the business research topic and choice of the topic. In this case, the topic is on marriage and the ways eastern culture differs from western culture. The research is conducted in a step by step procedure. Research process is followed by the research topic. The second part of the proposal describes the research methodologies and techniques. In this case, the researcher uses both the qualitative and quantitative approach to conduct the analysis. The last part is the data collection and analysis part that describes the methods used by the researcher to collect the data. The data is collected is the analyzed using statistical tools in this case SPSS is used to analyze the data. Data Collection and Analysis Methods The data is collected to analyze the factors that affect the couples choice of marriage partner and how the eastern culture is different from the western culture. The data is also collected to analyze the effect of the divorce rates on the relative success of each system. The data is collected using primary and secondary sources of data. Primary data is used by preparing a questionnaire for the couples that is surveyed through the interview method by the researcher. The primary data is obtained by applying research questionnaires and interview method from the couples of both the eastern and western countries. This is done to analyze how eastern culture is different from western culture. The researcher also interviewed the couples that were divorced to illustrate the relative success of each system (Time 2012). Expected Research Outcomes The topic of marriage is very interesting as the research will help the couples choose their marriage partner though the experiences of the couple that are already married and happy. It is expected that the choice of the marriage partners differ in each individual as it depends on their personal choice. It is also expected that eastern culture totally differ from the western culture. Couples in eastern countries have different criterias for choosing their life partner while couples in western countries have different criterias (Lamanna et al. 2014). It is expected that divorce rates have a direct impact on the relative success of each system. The couples choice of choosing their marriage partner depends on the maturity level of the couples. It is essential for the couples to marry at right age in order to avoid divorce. Marriage depends on an introduction of marriage partner by family, friends and acquaintances (Moran et al. 2014). References Chiappori, P.A., Salani, B. and Weiss, Y., 2015. Partner choice and the marital college premium: Analyzing marital patterns over several decades. Lamanna, M.A., Riedmann, A. and Stewart, S.D., 2014.Marriages, families, and relationships: Making choices in a diverse society. Cengage Learning. Moran, R.T., Abramson, N.R. and Moran, S.V., 2014.Managing cultural differences. Routledge. O'Leary, Z., 2013.The essential guide to doing your research project. Sage. Pickard, A., 2012.Research methods in information. Facet publishing. Pieterse, J.N., 2015.Globalization and culture: Global mlange. Rowman Littlefield. Taylor, S.J., Bogdan, R. and DeVault, M., 2015.Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. John Wiley Sons. Time, C., 2012. Data Collection Methods.Review of Sociology,17, pp.225-249.
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